Track or FAIL!

Ok, maybe that sounds a bit harsh.
Too bad? that?s the point.
Let me break down the problem with most folks that go about building a business online.
They know full well nearly ever method, trick, and approach to making money with a website.
Yet, for whatever reason they get lazy and start rationalizing to themselves that it?s no big deal if they skip over a few details.
Make no mistake, if you skip this portion of the series you will not succeed.
Following up on our Traffic Master Series?we?re going to look at tracking your paid advertising efforts.
I will try to make this quick and painless.
It is after all a very simple process, but again please don?t assume it?s simplicity is related to it?s level of it?s importance.
Conversion numbers are the most important numbers to learn so we?ll start there? I can tell right away what level of experience a person has based simply on their understanding of realistic conversion numbers.
This represent the number of people that took an action, out of the collective possible number of actions. ?They are expressed as a percentage, and determined by dividing two components. ?They are also measured over some period of time.
There are also many points of conversion depending on your desired action or the point in the process. ?It could be opt-in, one time offer, main sales letter, survey form, etc.
For now let?s look at how to find opt-in conversion percentage.
This is simply the total number of ?people?that opt into your list?divided by the total number of unique visitors.
For example, if you had 20 signups?in one day, and 70 unique visitors?over that same time period you would have 29% opt in conversions, or 20/70 = 0.285.
Got it?
While I?ve seen as high as 80% signup rates, it?s much more common to get generic traffic to convert at 20-40% opt-in.
In other words, you can expect to lose well over half your paid traffic to a signup form. ?These are so important to improve as it can generate exponential sales from small improvements.
Next and probably the most important number to consider is the sales conversions.
Sadly, with poor traffic or bad sales offers as little as 1% of traffic may convert to sales. ?If you have particularly bad sales conversion, adding an opt-in in front of the offer might be enough to kill nearly all possible sales!
With each step in a conversion process or system (like we reviewed in part 3) you are starting with less and less visitors.
It?s important to keep your best converting offers as close the maximum volume of traffic as possible.
As a refresher, recall that a higher priced back end offer down the line if converting well enough can still out-earn a low priced front end offer. ?This is why it?s so important to keep track of conversions at each step of the process.
Simply re-arranging your offers or removing an opt-in step may significantly improve conversions and total sales.
How do we do keep track of tracking?
First of all, many auto-responder accounts have built in conversion tracking. ?Check your personal responder to verify and get you opt-in numbers.
Next, one of the simplest ways to track your tracking?. is to use a redirect link from your traffic source.
There are countless link shorteners and redirect services that will track the amount of clicks to a link, such as Budurl. ?I?ll leave it to you to do a search for your favorite.
ALWAYS use one of these when sending paid traffic.
Next, take a backup step and install a page tracking analytic services such as Google Analytics or Get Clicky.
With these two utilities you can determine relatively accurately how many unique visitors came through to that page or clicked that link in any given period of time.
Sales of course are even easier to track, and much more fun?
Simply login to your merchant or affiliate account and pull up the sales data!
Once you have your sales data, simply measure up against your click data over the same time period. ?Do the math and compare your cost vs conversion.
For example, if you got 1,000 visitors that converted at 10% and you earned $25 per sale, you?d have $250o.
That represent $2.5 per visitor. ?$2,500 / 1,000
If that same traffic only cost $1.5 per visitor to get, congrats you?re in profit! ?Rinse, repeat, and scale!
In fact, even a profit of $1 is profit, and limited only by the size of your market and advertising source.
So that was simple right?
It?s so critical to your success. ?Hopefully by now you can see why you MUST start tracking all your efforts.
Practice those calculations and experiment a little with higher conversion numbers. ?Watch how big of a difference they can make!
Also, take some of the sample systems I provided and plugin your own conversion numbers at each stage. ?Work out the math and see how it can affect the total revenue and visitor numbers.
Do this and you?re well on your way to becoming a seasoned veteran, ready to bust open your traffic to new levels!
Next up, the last part of the series where we dig into some ad sources you can get started on right away!
Comments welcome?
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Tagged as: analytics, Internet Marketing, marketing stats, traffic stats, traffic tracking, Website Traffic
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