Before the world was created, when time first started their were four beings who werent evil; or atleast not as evil as the rest. Banning together the made a small planet called earth. And when their little Planet need protection they made 12 protectors.
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This is the outside of the main arena
The main arena has four doors in its floor inside with the symbols of the four elements carved into them. When the small amount of elemental power the gurdians have is used on them the door will dissappear leaving a stair case doon into blackness open. The small arenas are used as trianing rooms until the games begian three days after arrivel.
The signs of the elements
On every door their is a sign of the elements, most are element based to open. Others are for decoration, the sign of the element is even placed on the bedroom dors with the zodiac sign under it, hinting at who rooms where if your instincts dont lead you.
This is the walla of the under ground fire arena, the ground is lava except of the same red crystal walk way. The lava burns like a mofo but it wont kill you. Its a mostly agility based trianing place because you willbe jumping and moving around avoiding fire and lava and your traing partners.
This is the underground Earth arena, it is much like a normal underground cave, its a purely physical training ground. There is a little ring for boxing matches and such. It can also be used for stealth traing because of the rock formations taht you can hide behind.
This is winds arena, It has alot of trees and is very windy, oddly you can see the night sky at all times. It is uncertain if its an illusion of if your really seeing the sky. It is often used as a place to calm down or stealth practice. Being Lights territory no fighting is allowed here until the games begian.
This is water, It has Moist sandy ground, thick cloudy skys and lakes, and rivers every where its is an enderance traing place becasue its thick air is hard to breath and here your supposed to spare, swim and run until you cant anymore.
This is the first tree, or its roots, in the center of the mansion their is what to appears to be an old courtyard where the roots fall in, you cant see the tree but they are there and it is known that sitting or resting near then when dying you will be filled with life agian but few have ever been given the blessing to do so.
(Imagian it pushed agianst the far side of the crystal arena, kinda curving with the wall) this is the mansion, it was an unknown amount of rooms and a large libary curt yard in the center and pretty much anything you can imagian.
-game room
-green house
-large indoor pool
-a sweat room
-a sun room
-a gym
-a court yard
Bedrooms are based on the person (meaning post a picture of what you want yours to look like)
The beings rooms
Mothers bedroom is the biggest and done in a soft purple white and gold theme.
Livings room is done in green and browns but hes personality would have left it blank had not Mother and Light decorated the room for him.
Lights room is done in silver and pale blues, ivorys, and some purple. it has a vintage feel to it.
Darks is a modern black and white theme making it look clean and simple.
Thats all I have for now, please enjoy.
In this world its not faith that saves us but defiance
QuarantinedThoughts - Member for 0 years
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